Turn8 @ Thunderhill 2mi
✏️ 2020-11-28
🏷️ racing, photography
Over Thanksgiving this past month, I was able to see a few old friends from my hometown. One of my buddies asked me if I wanted to tag along with him to the track. I said yes. He said we’d have to leave early and drive a couple hours up I-5 to the track. I said okay.
We left around 5 AM and got to Turnhill shortly after the sunrise. Here are a few of my favorite pics from our day at the track. Shout out to Turn8 for hosting the event.
Our ride for the day — my buddy’s A4.
Cool custom build — my friend mentioned it sounded like a Miata engine.
Sweet M2.
Only other Audi happened to be a R8.
Loved the lighting on these last two, especially this Corvette.
I still gotta upload the GoPro footage for the 2mi runs…